About Cam

Cam is a product designer and leader with over 12 years of professional product design experience. A focus on how to increase collaboration around design to improve user centered products.

With over a decade of professional experience, I am a seasoned product designer who has honed my craft across the dynamic landscapes of fast-growing startups and esteemed Fortune 500 organizations.

At the heart of my design philosophy lies a steadfast commitment to user-centered research and the tactile execution of high quality design. My passion not only lies in creating visually compelling and intuitive products but also in fostering a culture of collaboration within product teams. I believe that the most successful designs emerge from a collective effort, where every voice is heard, and every team member is united towards a common goal. My journey in design has been one of continuous learning, adaptation, and above all, a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of good design.

Location in

St. Petersburg, FL

©2024 CamCress

Location in

St. Petersburg, FL

©2024 CamCress

Location in

St. Petersburg, FL

©2024 CamCress